Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe
Hwange National Park is one of Africa’s finest havens for wildlife and is home to vast herds of elephant, buffalo, zebra and very large concentrations of giraffe. It is also home to many predators and endangered species and varied birdlife. The Park covers just over 14 600 square kilometres. The Park carries 105 mammal species, including 19 large herbivores and eight large carnivores. Elephant make up the largest proportion of the biomass. All Zimbabwe’s specially protected animals are to be found in Hwange and it is the only protected area where gemsbok and brown hyena occur in reasonable numbers. The population of wild dog to be found in Hwange is thought to be of one of the largest surviving groups in Africa today.
We operate a number of enormous private concessions within Hwange which offer guests eclusivity and privacy whilst on safari. The area is ecologically diverse, including vast, open, palm-fringed plains, grasslands, acacia woodlands and teak forests and this ensures great numbers of animals all year round – Elephant, Buffalo, Sable, Roan, Giraffe, Wildebeest, Impala and sometimes even Gemsbok can be seen. These private concessions are also the better areas in Zimbabwe for sighting predators – Lion, Leopard, Wild Dog and Cheetah are regularly sighted, along with African Wild Cat, Serval, Honey Badger, Civet and Hyena. Our safaris are conducted in open 4×4 vehicles by day and night and guided walks are also undertaken.